Sumario Volumen 9 Número 5
We, the primary care physicians, were never heroes during the pandemic and we also do not aim to be heroes
Teresa Benedito Pérez de Inestrosa, Lorenzo Armenteros del Olmo, María del Pilar Rodríguez Ledo, Carlos Miranda Fernández-Santos
Observational survey on the knowledge and skills regarding gout in the clinical practice in the primary care setting
José Carlos Bastida Calvo, Lorenzo Armenteros del Olmo, Pilar Rodríguez Ledo
Satisfaction of the patients with the care received by primary care during the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic
Cristina Sal Redondo, Beatriz Torres Blanco, María Sanz Almazán
Knowledge, attitudes and skills regarding patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation anticoagulated in primary care: qualitative analysis by means of focus group technique
María Isabel Egocheaga, Vivencio Barrios, Francisco Atienza-Martín, Rafael Hidalgo, Annalisa Pérez
Actualización en probióticos, prebióticos y simbióticos para el médico de familia (I)
Update on probiotics, prebiotics and symbiotics for the family physician (I)
José Manuel Cucalón Arenal, María Guadalupe Blay Cortés
Clínica cotidiana
Macrohematuria autolimitada y monosintomática
Self-limited and monosymptomatic macrohematuria
Beatriz Sánchez Borrego, María Cubillo Jiménez, Fernando Pérez Escanilla
Absceso hepático tras perforación de una úlcera péptica
Liver abscess after perforation of a peptic ulcer
Svetlana V. Udovichenko
Simultaneous pulmonary thromboembolism and embolic stroke in a patient diagnosed of deep venous thrombosis
David Martín Enguix, José María Barrios-López
Elección del tratamiento anticoagulante óptimo en pacientes pluripatológicos
Choice of the best anticoagulant treatment in patients with multiple conditions
Carmen Gómez Vildósola, Manuel Antonio Tazón Varela, José Rafael Alonso Alonso
Carta al Editor
Criterios de derivación de asma: nuevas perspectivas tras la pandemia de covid-19
Asthma referral criteria: new perspectives after the COVID-19 pandemic
Sara Núñez Palomo, Francisco Javier Álvarez Gutiérrez, Julio Delgado Romero, Fernando Gómez Ruiz, Antonio Hidalgo Requena